The Torus (or Reverse Curve)

The Torus
In this week’s lesson, we were being assessed on shaping and forming metal sheet into a torus (otherwise known as a reverse curve). When we arrived in the design lab, we were presented with two different methods in sculpturing the metal sheet to form the reversed curve. We could choose which method we would engage when making our reverse curve. The two methods that were introduced to us where the following below:
Mallet & Stump
Daniel showed us the Mallet & Stump technique, which was the quicker way but wasn’t the best method in terms of the finish it produced.
English Wheel
Gabe showed us the English wheel technique, which was the slower but more accurate way of making our reverse curve. Gabe broke up the metal sheet into different sections and rolled each section through the English wheel until the reverse curve started to form.
Initially, I started on my reverse curve, I started off with the mallet and stump technique. However, by going straight into this method, my reverse curve didn’t get much curve on one side, forcing myself to start over. To rectify this, I got assistance from someone to curve my metal sheet all around the stump, whilst I hit it with a mallet the stump was constantly being moved around. By doing this, it provided a prominent curve on both angles of my torus.

Trying to create the shape of the Torus 
After the shaping of the torus was complete, it had been dented from the blows of the mallet. In order to rectify this and make it look presentable, I had to smoothen this out. I went to the English wheel to flatten and stretch the middle area out, so that it will take out all the little dents.
Once that was completed it, I worked on the fixing the sides so that curve was prominent. I got the hammer and steel edge which was clamped to the work bench, and started working on my sides in order of getting it that curve.
Front profile of the Torus (or Reverse Curve)

Side Profile of the Torus (or Reverse Curve)
Had dealt with many difficulties in regards to this exercise, as I had re-do this shape constantly as I wasn't getting enough of a reverse curve. However, advise from the lecturers and assistance from peers enabled myself to overcome this.
Looking forward to the next module.


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